August 20, 2007

in Berlin...

at sunday evening....

first destination : Brandenbuerger Tor...

2nd place : Reichstag....

3rd destination : somewhere near the Berlin PM's house...

and then we went to Spree bridge...

bought ice cream 1st... :)

before went home, we had dinner at "Arreda"...the Lebanon Resto


iCa said...

wahhhh mau....
btw, tutsy.. cerita umrohnya baru dikit.. baca iaja di blog ica.. poto2nya juga belum pada dicetakin.. kan kalo pake kamera digi-nya dipake buat video yah teh.. tapi hasilnya jelek.. :(
ica lagi ngejar bedah 2 nih.. huhuhu.. wismilak, ya teh..

Maharani said...

Liburan kesini atuh, ajak mama-papa-aa... ;))

eniwei, teteh n a'Rachmat doain SP'na Jaiyo ya!