at sunday evening....
first destination : Brandenbuerger Tor...
3rd destination : somewhere near the Berlin PM's house...
and then we went to Spree bridge...
bought ice cream 1st... :)
3rd destination : somewhere near the Berlin PM's house...
Another story by
9:49 AM
wahhhh mau....
btw, tutsy.. cerita umrohnya baru dikit.. baca iaja di blog ica.. poto2nya juga belum pada dicetakin.. kan kalo pake kamera digi-nya dipake buat video yah teh.. tapi hasilnya jelek.. :(
ica lagi ngejar bedah 2 nih.. huhuhu.. wismilak, ya teh..
Liburan kesini atuh, ajak mama-papa-aa... ;))
eniwei, teteh n a'Rachmat doain SP'na Jaiyo ya!
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