February 17, 2009

Rafa's skills at his 8 months old..

What to expect from my baby at this stage...
source : Babycentre

Mastered Skills (most children can do)
• Says "dada" and "mama" to both parents (isn't specific)
• Begins to crawl
• Passes object from hand to hand

Emerging Skills (half of children can do)

• Stands while holding onto something

Crawls well
• Points at objects

Advanced Skills (a few children can do)
• Pulls self to standing position, cruises around furniture while holding on
• Picks things up with thumb-finger
"pincer" grasp
• Indicates wants with gestures

Alhamdulillah... seneng banget..
Rafa dah "rajin" doing Mastered n Emerging skills

Advanced skill'nya juga dah lumayan...

pulls himself to standing position? dah jago lha..

cruise around furniture while holdin on? jarang..
pick things up with thum-finger? always..

cuma aku masih belum ngeh kali ya...
how he indicates what he want with his gestures
i'll find it next time

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