I love yesterday !! 

Jadi ceritanya kemaren gw ke Gramedia (bookstore), rencana cuma mo beli novel'nya Habiburrahman El Shirazy yang judulnya "Pudarnya Pesona Cleopatra" (atas rekomendasi sahabat gw, Ratih) But then, after i went into that bookstore.... u know what, it turns me like im in book-heaven!! There's a lot of new books, so i start to search and then next thing i knew (well, bukan berarti sebelumnya gw dalam keadaan "gak sadar"
) Gw dah ngebawa 6 novel, yang menurut gw terbaru and belum pernah sama sekali gw baca (termasuk chicklit series terbaru - favorit gw....Sophaholic karangan Sophie Kinsella!)
Kesimpulannya, hari itu dengan perasaan senang campur bahagia (eleuh-eleuh....bahasanya itu!) gw berhasil dapetin bacaan baru for maybe 2 weeks or maybe less than that. Ga sabar pengen cepet mulai baca niyh
So, wait for my reviews in another posting'an yaaaaa...
Btw, List novel'nya niyh......
1. Pudarnya Pesona Cleopatra (Author : Habiburrahman El Shirazy)
2. Ms.B : Cool Cucumber (Author : Fira Basuki)
3. His Band Of Gold (Author : Melissa McClone)
4. Sophaholic & Baby (Author : Sophie Kinsella)
5. Princess : Kisah Tragis Putri Kerajaan Arab Saudi (Author : Jean P. Sasson)
6. Lucia, Lucia (Author : Adriana Trigiani)
Cu next..... Jadi ceritanya kemaren gw ke Gramedia (bookstore), rencana cuma mo beli novel'nya Habiburrahman El Shirazy yang judulnya "Pudarnya Pesona Cleopatra" (atas rekomendasi sahabat gw, Ratih) But then, after i went into that bookstore.... u know what, it turns me like im in book-heaven!! There's a lot of new books, so i start to search and then next thing i knew (well, bukan berarti sebelumnya gw dalam keadaan "gak sadar"
Kesimpulannya, hari itu dengan perasaan senang campur bahagia (eleuh-eleuh....bahasanya itu!) gw berhasil dapetin bacaan baru for maybe 2 weeks or maybe less than that. Ga sabar pengen cepet mulai baca niyh
So, wait for my reviews in another posting'an yaaaaa...
Btw, List novel'nya niyh......
1. Pudarnya Pesona Cleopatra (Author : Habiburrahman El Shirazy)
2. Ms.B : Cool Cucumber (Author : Fira Basuki)
3. His Band Of Gold (Author : Melissa McClone)
4. Sophaholic & Baby (Author : Sophie Kinsella)
5. Princess : Kisah Tragis Putri Kerajaan Arab Saudi (Author : Jean P. Sasson)
6. Lucia, Lucia (Author : Adriana Trigiani)
Shopholic baby lucu bangethhh..
Belum kebaca,teh.....
Kemaren dah selesai baca 2buku, sekarang gie struggling baca Princess (bagus lho!)
Maybe 2morrow i start to read Shopaholic (can wait!) Hehehe...
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