What to expect from my baby at this stage...
source : Babycentre
Mastered Skills (most children can do)
• Says "dada" and "mama" to both parents (isn't specific)
• Begins to crawl
• Passes object from hand to hand
Emerging Skills (half of children can do)
• Stands while holding onto something
• Crawls well
• Points at objects
Advanced Skills (a few children can do)
• Pulls self to standing position, cruises around furniture while holding on
• Picks things up with thumb-finger "pincer" grasp
• Indicates wants with gestures
Alhamdulillah... seneng banget..
Rafa dah "rajin" doing Mastered n Emerging skills
Advanced skill'nya juga dah lumayan...
pulls himself to standing position? dah jago lha..
cruise around furniture while holdin on? jarang..
pick things up with thum-finger? always..
cuma aku masih belum ngeh kali ya...
how he indicates what he want with his gestures
i'll find it next time
February 17, 2009
Rafa's skills at his 8 months old..
February 01, 2009
Orang Gila masuk Baby Day Care...
Kalo mo masukin baby ke baby day care,
musti hati2 niyh mulai sekarang... diliat juga kali ya keamanannya gimana.
Even kejadian ini happened di belahan dunia lain a.k.a Eropa...
Aku dapet kiriman email dari salah seorang sahabat yang isinya tentang kejadian orang sakit jiwa yang masuk ke baby day care di Belgia, dengan meniru gaya Joker (di film Batman)
dan dengan santainya dia menusuk2 baby2 yang ada di baby day care itu...
it happened 23 Januari kemarin. 2 babies died!! meanwhile 10 babies should had an operation in hospital coz they had wound... bener2 sakit jiwa tuh orang!!!!
Bahasan lengkap click disini Jadi mikir-mikir ulang niyh kalo ntar aku mo masukin Rafa ke baby day care... sieunnnnn..... (bhs sunda artinya takuuuutttt)
Ya Allah,
lindungilah anakku... suamiku... keluargaku... dari segala perbuatan jahat...
Hanya kepadaMu lah aku memohon perlindungan... Amiin.
January 26, 2009
Dont shake your baby!!!
terus untuk mastiin hoax atau bukan, aku googling dech "Shaken Baby Syndrom"
and thennnnnn...ternyata ada.
aku langsung kaget! jadi parno niyh...
Btw,ini ada salah satu pembahasan tentang "Shaken Baby Syndrome"
semoga bermanfaat.....
Source : kidshealth
Abusive head trauma/inflicted traumatic brain injury or AHT (also called shaken baby/shaken impact syndrome or SBS) is a form of inflicted head trauma.
AHT can be caused by direct blows to the head, dropping or throwing a child, or shaking a child. Head trauma is the leading cause of death in child abuse cases in the United States.
How These Injuries Happen
Unlike other forms of inflicted head trauma, abusive head trauma results from injuries caused by someone vigorously shaking a child. Because the anatomy of infants puts them at particular risk for injury from this kind of action, the vast majority of victims are infants younger than 1 year old. The average age of victims is between 3 and 8 months, although these injuries are occasionally seen in children up to 4 years old.
The perpetrators in these cases are most often parents or caregivers. Common triggers are frustration or stress when the child is crying. Unfortunately, the shaking may have the desired effect: although at first the baby cries more, he or she may stop crying as the brain is damaged.
Approximately 60% of identified victims of shaking injury are male, and children of families who live at or below the poverty level are at an increased risk for these injuries as well as any type of child abuse. It is estimated that the perpetrators in 65% to 90% of cases are males — usually either the baby's father or the mother's boyfriend, often someone in his early twenties.
When someone forcefully shakes a baby, the child's head rotates about the neck uncontrollably because infants' neck muscles aren't well developed and provide little support for their heads. This violent movement pitches the infant's brain back and forth within the skull, sometimes rupturing blood vessels and nerves throughout the brain and tearing the brain tissue. The brain may strike the inside of the skull, causing bruising and bleeding to the brain.
The damage can be even greater when a shaking episode ends with an impact (hitting a wall or a crib mattress, for example), because the forces of acceleration and deceleration associated with an impact are so strong. After the shaking, swelling in the brain can cause enormous pressure within the skull, compressing blood vessels and increasing overall injury to its delicate structure.
Normal interaction with a child, like bouncing the baby on a knee, will not cause these injuries, although it's important to never shake a baby under any circumstances because gentle shaking can rapidly escalate.
What Are the Effects?
AHT often causes irreversible damage. In the worst cases, children die due to their injuries.
Children who survive may have:
- partial or total blindness
- hearing loss
- seizures
- developmental delays
- impaired intellect
- speech and learning difficulties
- problems with memory and attention
- severe mental retardation
- cerebral palsy
Even in milder cases, in which babies looks normal immediately after the shaking, they may eventually develop one or more of these problems. Sometimes the first sign of a problem isn't noticed until the child enters the school system and exhibits behavioral problems or learning difficulties. But by that time, it's more difficult to link these problems to a shaking incident from several years before.
Signs and Symptoms
In any abusive head trauma case, the duration and force of the shaking, the number of episodes, and whether impact is involved all affect the severity of the infant's injuries. In the most violent cases, children may arrive at the emergency room unconscious, suffering seizures, or in shock. But in many cases, infants may never be brought to medical attention if they don't exhibit such severe symptoms.
In less severe cases, a child who has been shaken may experience:
- lethargy
- irritability
- vomiting
- poor sucking or swallowing
- decreased appetite
- lack of smiling or vocalizing
- rigidity
- seizures
- difficulty breathing
- altered consciousness
- unequal pupil size
- an inability to lift the head
- an inability to focus the eyes or track movement
Many cases of AHT are brought in for medical care as "silent injuries." In other words, parents or caregivers don't often provide a history that the child has had abusive head trauma or a shaking injury, so doctors don't know to look for subtle or physical signs. This can sometimes result in children having injuries that aren't identified in the medical system.
And again, in many cases, babies who don't have severe symptoms may never be brought to a doctor. Many of the less severe symptoms such as vomiting or irritability may resolve and can have many non-abusive causes.
Unfortunately, unless a doctor has reason to suspect child abuse, mild cases (in which the infant seems lethargic, fussy, or perhaps isn't feeding well) are often misdiagnosed as a viral illness or colic. Without a diagnosis of child abuse and any resulting intervention with the parents or caregivers, these children may be shaken again, worsening any brain injury or damage.
If shaken baby syndrome is suspected, doctors may look for:
- hemorrhages in the retinas of the eyes
- skull fractures
- swelling of the brain
- subdural hematomas (blood collections pressing on the surface of the brain)
- rib and long bone (bones in the arms and legs) fractures
- bruises around the head, neck, or chest
The Child's Development and Education
What makes AHT so devastating is that it often involves a total brain injury. For example, a child whose vision is severely impaired won't be able to learn through observation, which decreases the child's overall ability to learn.
The development of language, vision, balance, and motor coordination, all of which occur to varying degrees after birth, are particularly likely to be affected in any child who has AHT.
Such impairment can require rigorous physical and occupational therapy to help the child acquire skills that would have developed on their own had the brain injury not occurred.
As they get older, kids who were shaken as babies may require special education and continued therapy to help with language development and daily living skills, such as dressing themselves.
Before age 3, a child can receive speech or physical therapy through the Department of Public Health/ Early Intervention. Federal law requires that each state provide these services for children who have developmental disabilities as a result of being abused.
Some schools are also increasingly providing information and developmental assessments for kids under the age of 3. Parents can turn to a variety of rehabilitation and other therapists for early intervention services for children after abusive head trauma. Developmental assessments can assist in improving education outcomes as well as the overall well-being of the child.
After a child who's been diagnosed with abusive head trauma turns 3, it's the school district's responsibility to provide additional special educational services.
Preventing AHT
Abusive head trauma is 100% preventable. A key aspect of prevention is increasing awareness of the potential dangers of shaking.
Finding ways to alleviate the parent or caregiver's stress at the critical moments when a baby is crying can significantly reduce the risk to the child. Some hospital-based programs have helped new parents identify and prevent shaking injuries and understand how to respond when infants cry.
The National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome offers a prevention program, the Period of Purple Crying, which seeks to help parents and other caregivers understand crying in normal infants. By defining and describing the sometimes inconsolable infant crying that can sometimes cause stress, anger, and frustration in parents and caregivers, the program hopes to educate and empower people to prevent AHT.
One method that may help is author Dr. Harvey Karp's "five S's":
- Shushing (using "white noise" or rhythmic sounds that mimic the constant whir of noise in the womb, with things like vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, clothes dryers, a running tub, or a white noise CD)
- Side/stomach positioning (placing the baby on the left side — to help digestion — or on the belly while holding him or her, then putting the sleeping baby in the crib or bassinet on his or her back)
- Sucking (letting the baby breastfeed or bottle-feed, or giving the baby a pacifier or finger to suck on)
- Swaddling (wrapping the baby up snugly in a blanket to help him or her feel more secure)
- Swinging gently (rocking in a chair, using an infant swing, or taking a car ride to help duplicate the constant motion the baby felt in the womb)
If a baby in your care won't stop crying, you can also try the following:
- Make sure the baby's basic needs are met (for example, he or she isn't hungry and doesn't need to be changed).
- Check for signs of illness, like fever or swollen gums.
- Rock or walk with the baby.
- Sing or talk to the baby.
- Offer the baby a pacifier or a noisy toy.
- Take the baby for a ride in a stroller or strapped into a child safety seat in the car.
- Hold the baby close against your body and breathe calmly and slowly.
- Call a friend or relative for support or to take care of the baby while you take a break.
- If nothing else works, put the baby on his or her back in the crib, close the door, and check on the baby in 10 minutes.
- Call your doctor if nothing seems to be helping your infant, in case there is a medical reason for the fussiness.
To prevent potential AHT, parents and caregivers of infants need to learn how to respond to their own stress. It's important to talk to anyone caring for your baby about the dangers of shaking and how it can be prevented.
Reviewed by: Elaine Cabinum-Foeller, MD
Date reviewed: June 2008
January 25, 2009
Rafa's skills at his 7 months old..
source : Babycentre
What to expect from my baby at this stage...
Mastered Skills (most children can do)
• Sits without support
• Reaches for things with a sweeping motion
• Imitates speech sounds (babbles)
Emerging Skills (half of children can do)
• Combines syllables into wordlike sounds
• Begins to crawl or lunges forward
Advanced Skills (a few children can do)
• Stands while holding onto something
• Waves goodbye
• Bangs objects together
Rafa dah jago untuk Emerging skills.
Advanced skills dia juga dah lumayan, tinggal belajar "waves goodbye"
and mantepin berdiri sambil pegangan
nah,untuk Mastering skills, Rafa masih belajar duduk tanpa support...
(rada unik siyh, karena dia jago ngerayap plus sekarang lagi seneng2nya manjat sama mulai belajar berdiri...tapi kalo duduk naha yah rada "males"an..)
Jaiyo ya,sayang.... mama selalu ada disampingmu...
(ih, kok jadi melankolis yah....hihihi)
December 31, 2008
Recipes for babies starting on solids
Banana purée
VegetarianGood source of potassium
1 small ripe banana
1-2 tsps of baby rice
2 tbsps of breastmilk or formula
Mash the banana well until smooth. Mix the rice and milk, and stir into the banana. Adjust the texture with milk or rice to make a runnier or firmer purée.
Carrot and parsnip purée
VegetarianGood source of betacarotene
1 carrot, peeled and diced
1 parsnip, peeled and diced
Steam the vegetables until tender. Purée in a blender or mouli and adjust the texture with boiled cooled water or baby's usual milk.
Broccoli and cauliflower purée
VegetarianContains iron
Good source of vitamin C
1 large floret broccoli
1 large floret cauliflower
Steam the vegetables until they are tender. Purée in a blender or mouli and adjust the texture with boiled cooled water or baby's usual milk.
Papaya purée
VegetarianGood source of betacarotene and vitamin C
1 ripe papaya
Peel and seed the papaya, and mash to a purée with a fork. To vary add baby rice or mix with mashed banana.
Sweet potato mash
VegetarianGood source of betacarotene
1 sweet potato
Steam or boil the sweet potato until it is tender. Drain and mash well, adding baby's usual milk to make a suitable consistency.
Potato and spinach purée
VegetarianContains iron
Good source of betacarotene and vitamin C
1 medium potato, peeled and quartered
20g (a handful) spinach
Boil the potato in unsalted water until tender. Steam the spinach over the potato in a sieve for the last few minutes of cooking. Drain and mash the potato with a little of baby's usual milk. Purée the spinach and add to the potato. Adjust the texture with boiled cooled water or breastmilk or formula.
Pear and apple purée
VegetarianContains vitamin C
1 ripe pear, peeled and sliced
1 apple, peeled and sliced
Place the pear and apple in a small saucepan with one tablespoon of water and cook over a low heat, stirring occasionally, until the fruit is tender. Purée in a blender or mouli.
Lentils with butternut squash
VegetarianContains iron
Good source of betacarotene and B vitamins
50g split red lentils
120g butternut squash, peeled and diced
Boil the lentils in water until soft. Steam or microwave the squash until tender. Drain the lentils in a sieve. Add the squash to the sieve and place the sieve over a bowl. Using a wooden spoon press through the mixture, stir and serve.
Avocado and kiwi purée
VegetarianGood source of vitamin E and vitamin C
Half a ripe avocado
1 ripe kiwi fruit
Mash the avocado well. Peel and mash the kiwi. Push the kiwi through a sieve to remove the pips, then mix with the avocado.
Canteloupe melon purée
VegetarianGood source of betacarotene and vitamin C
Large slice of canteloupe or other melon, seeded
Purée the melon and, if desired, add a little baby rice to thicken up.
source : babycentre
selamat mencoba
December 29, 2008
Sad News
Berita ini aku dapat 2 hari lalu...
2 orang dosen prosthodonti (gigi tiruan) FKG Univ. Trisakti wafat berturut-turut pada hari yang sama...
drg. Widya dan drg. Pur
mungkin yang paling aku bisa ingat (dan berdasarkan pengalamanku),
keduanya selalu tersenyum ramah pada setiap koass dan baik hati,
terutama jika koass bertanya masalah kasus pasien yang sedang ditangani.
Dan baru saja aku dapat message dari temenku di Indo,
kalau salah satu dosen Oral Medicine, drg. Boy (drg. Satria Boedi) juga hari ini telah berpulang...
Satu lagi dosen terbaik FKG Trisakti telah mendahului...
Semoga amal ibadah beliau-beliau ini diterima disisi Allah SWT,
dan keluarga yang ditinggalkan diberi kesabaran.... Amiin.